Monday, April 25, 2016

Segment 2 Pakim Pond to Apple Pie Hill - 11 miles

This segment of the hike begins in the woods next to Pakim Pond, just north of mile marker 44, crosses Rte. 72, and then enters the Franklin Parker Preserve, a 9400 acre area in Tabernacle and Woodland townships.
Soon after we entered the preserve, we began to encounter cedar swamp areas with boardwalks that had been placed to allow passage. Some of these cedar swamps were quite extensive and dense.

The wetlands alternated with pine / oak upland. Several areas had been cleared in the past, and were less densely forested – this property is the site of a former cranberry farm.


The highlight of this segment was all the water. We passed 2 lakes, and passed through several cedar swamp areas. Many segments of the trail were old dirt roads with canals on both sides left over from the cranberry days. Dragonflies abounded due to the prevalence of water.

The woods held a healthy population of moss, teaberry and turkey beard.


The Eastern Towhee serenaded us all afternoon. We saw a beaver dam, and evidence of coyotes.

The day’s hike ended at Apple Pie hill, at mile marker 33. Climbed partway up the tower, and had a misty view of Atlantic City.

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